I’m Tyson Sharpe

Helping Spiritual Business Owners Integrate Spirituality with Profitable Business Strategies

Helping you heal your emotional blockages, master a compelling business message, and craft irresistible offers for your audience. 

Personal One On One Coaching

See what it’s like to work with me…

Listen To The Podcast

Learn practical strategies to integrate your spiritual and business growth

Are You Focused On What Matters Most?

Is Your Primary Focus Internal?

Are you relying on hard work and new strategies to find success?  The sage always looks inwards for guidance that’s aligned with your heart’s wisodm.

Are You Attached To The Outcome?

Are you being driven by external results? The business sage finds deep peace and fulfilment in the journey, allowing the outcome to be what it is.

Are You Avoiding Emotion?

Are you avoiding the emotions of fear, doubt and frustration? It’s only when you embrace, accept and love these patterns that your inner sage awakens.

Do You Focus On What You Can Get?

Is your primary focus on what you can get? ‘Wanting’ comes from a place of lack. It’s only when you ask ‘how many I serve?’ that you tap into sageness.

What Is Spiritual Business Coaching?

If you are a Spiritual Entrepreneur, you may be following an inner calling that says ‘this is what you are meant to do in this world’. The challenge occurs when you are not sure how to do that. How do you overcome the fears, generate a consistent flow of clients, and achieve the income to follow your heart full time? 

This is exactly what we can find out together. 

Who Is This Coaching For?

If you are a spiritual entrepreneur looking to grow online using social media the world is your osyter. The key question is: Is your content and marketing efforts helping you generate the leads necessary to achieve your business goals?

Whether you are using Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or Podcasts, there are some fundamentals that matter most to help people reach out and ask about your offer…

What Matters Most?

There are 3 elements that will help you reach higher levels of business success as a by-product of your personal awakening. Spiritual Growth, Aligned Marketing, an Irresistible Offer.

1. Spiritual Growth
If you are on your soul’s journey, you know that your external results are the manifestation of your inner vibration.

By placing a priority on your spiritual growth, you can use the business journey as a way to heal your deepest wounds, patterns and traumas. This takes courage, but is so worth it!

2. Aligned Marketing
When you communicate what you do, are your listeners leaning in and asking for more? If not, an improvement in your messaging and marketing could be the boost to your success.

Those who struggle, tend to create okay, or even great content. However, what they lack is the ability to also build demand and desire for their offer. Once you are able to add value AND demand for your offer, you will start having ideal clients reach out to you.

3. Irresistible Offer
Does your offer look the same as every other person in your industry? Your offer is more than just your price and what your client will get.

Once you have your aligned marketing strategy, creating an offer that is a ‘no-brainer’ makes your sales job easy. If you have clients saying ‘OMG thank you for this!!’? You know you have an irresistible offer in place for them.

Profitable Prospecting Without Fear

Listen to the Podcast

If you have asked the question: ‘How do I build my business in a way that’s aligned with my heart’s calling?’ this is the podcast for you. By tuning in I will help you integrate both your spiritual and business growth.

How To Master Your Fear

Join The Serving Circle

It’s in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through Spiritual Business Success.

With 2K+ Spiritual Entrepreneurs, it’s here where you get to build your business by collaborating with your soul tribe. I can’t wait to see who I can connect you with!

About Me

Hey there! Yes, you! I see you there 🙂

You may be thinking to yourself ‘how did he come up with these answers’?

When I sat down on my couch in silence for 6 hours one day, I noticed how many egoic patterns of thoughts and emotions poured out of me. I was in tears over past experiences I had no clue about!

One by-product of this experience was that my business started taking off!

How could this be? This is the question I explored, which lead me down the past of shadow work, mediation and spiritual insights that allowed me to see why so many online business owners get stuck.

It turns out, the power of ancient sages comes from the practices that are the opposite of what modern day business ‘guru’s’ are teaching…


“When I came to you I was in deep need of clarity and direction, and I was really struggling with resolving some major internal conflicts… Since we resolved those conflicts, it’s been LIFE CHANGING, as a result of that I have everything I need to take my business to the absolute NEXT LEVEL. Thank you so much Tyson!”

Koray Kuroz – CEO and Sales Expert – Sydney

“I loved the coaching process so much that I actually became a coach! I use these strategies he teaches because THEY WORK. If you want to grow, you should work with Tyson”

Andrew Averett – CPA Upper Limit Consulting – Utah

“Before working with Tyson, I needed X to happen in order for me to feel Y. Now I’m in love with my job because I’m in love with myself, and also enrolled my first client since June. My life with myself and my family has never been better”

Richard Earl Lonsbury – Life Coach, Speaker, Trainer – California

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