Do you feel as though you need money to feel safe, secure, and comfortable? What do you feel when you look at your bank account? What if you looked at your bank account and saw your money fading away?
If the emotions of fear, doubt, anxiety, worry or shame are coming up for you, this may be the pattern keeping you stuck.
In this episode you will listen in on a live coaching call, and hear how someone can go from feeling pain, fear, and worry around money, to feeling free, peaceful, and completely creative.
How is that possible? Drop your resistance!
You will feel this in yourself as you listen to this episode and follow along with the the exercises. Enjoy!
If you want to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are all doing this inner work, masterminding around the latest business tactics, and collaborating to grow as one, feel free to use the link below:
If you want to actually do the work and want my help shifting some patterns that you know are holding you back, join me on the free transformational group coaching calls. Use the link below to sign up and join this weeks call: