In this episode I introduce the first video in the series titled ‘Business As A By-Product’. This is a video series I made all about how business success doesn’t have to be a push where your drive is trying to fill a void within yourself, rather a pull from your heart’s alignment.
Does your business feel like a push or pull? Are you trying to succeed in order to feel enough, worthy, or significant? These are the questions we look at in detail as we explore how you can achieve your business success as a by-product of who you are in this world.
If you want to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are all doing this inner work, masterminding around the latest business tactics, and collaborating to grow as one, feel free to use the link below:
If you want to actually do the work and want my help shifting some patterns that you know are holding you back, join me on the free transformational group coaching calls. Use the link to sign up and join this weeks call: