If you are looking to grow and nurture an audience for your business, the content you provide is the soil that allow your crops to grow.

Either you have the environment in which people learn, transform, engage, grow, and refer, or you have an environment that’s lifeless and ignored.

And of course, with everyone now being content creators the need for true transformational content has never been so vital.

So, how do you stand out? What makes someone spend their valuable time engaging with your posts, videos, blogs, or podcasts?


Before we get there, let’s start with an illusion you should be aware of. One of the misconceptions that many people are starting to see through is that people don’t necessarily need more information in order to create a transformation and receive value.

The right information can be very important. However, have you ever given away your best stuff only to have your audience not pay attention, or not be interested in your paid offer?

This is not only frustrating, but a huge head-scratcher.

Well, if your audience doesn’t just need more information, than what do they need? What’s the real thing that’s holding them back from building momentum with you?

Remember this, people don’t need to be informed, they need to be transformed.

Transformation, as you may know, happens first in the mind before anything else.

If you are to create free or paid content that engages and transforms, people first need a shift in the way they see the world, the way they see themselves, and a shift in what they believe is possible.

(Yes, exactly what I’m doing here to shift your perspective around content :P)

The trick is to add your ‘information’ on top of transformation, so you don’t only add more value to your audience but build demand and desire for your paid offer.

How do you do this?

I recently reviewed these questions from a James Wedmore presentation and did a workshop around them for me clients with great results.


Transformation Questions

– What are the misconceptions and beliefs your ideal clients have that keep them stuck in their problem?

– What are the mistakes they are making that are keeping them stuck in their problem?

– Out of this list, which misconceptions and mistakes do they not know they are making?


Create a list of these and you will have a list of captivating content topics that rewire the way your ideal clients view their world, their problem, and your solution.

If you have any questions on how to apply this to your own audience, just let me know.


Until then, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle and on the next Collab call to see who we can introduce you to.