I just got off a call with a great client of mine.

She was struggling with the politics that exist in her new workplace and was wondering if this environment would damage the vision of who she wanted to become.

She was doing work with me to help her become and feel more open, genuine and caring within her relationships instead of feeling insecure and judged.

I know in myself and with all the clients that come my way, solutions can’t be reached when you are using the same resources that caused the problem. 

We often have dormant emotional resources hidden beneath the surface that can go missing.

It’s hard to see these resources as an option when we tell ourselves things like ‘it’s no use’ ‘I can’t believe this happened’ ‘I’m stuck’ ‘I’m not good enough’ and ‘why does this always happen to me?’

Is it true that circumstances like office politics can be toxic? Can they have an impact on how we think, feel and ultimately become?

I think your environment can be very important, but what defines how you feel is your ability to attach meanings to it

One person can go through a crazy work environment and reach the other side with a new set of developed social skills. While another person may reach a point of overwhelming stress and anxiety.

So what happened to my client?

Only once she shifted her mental state was she able to see that not only is it ok for other coworkers to gossip and play the political game, but her thoughts separated her from feeling any of it.

Not only was she able to see her own power, but she could feel that this was also an opportunity to learn, grow and become the best version of herself.

What happened when she transformed her worldview from a toxic environment into an opportunity? She used the power of reframe, and she did it by accessing the emotional resources within herself.

Emotional resources are within us at all times, and they have the ability to solve any challenge that comes your way.

What emotional resources did my client extract for her insight? It was nothing more than her love, creativity, and strength.

You too have a very loving side. This is your inner Lover. This side has a deep hunger for connection and love with others, with yourself, nature and even animals. You can feel it when you bond with someone when you feel that spark with your partner or even when you witness a loving moment between two characters in a movie.

You also have a side to you that brings out your imagination, creativity, and humour. We call this side of you the Magician. What others find stressful or frustrating, your magician sees the humour in it. He sees the wonder, spells, trances and can find solutions in the blink of an eye.

You also have the side of you that’s driven by action and strength. This side is the Warrior. You internal warrior will stop at nothing to accomplish a goal. The warrior knows there is a mission, a purpose and the obstacles seem small compared to the strength that exists when they are in control.

What side of you can be called upon to make a shift in perspective so you can reframe a challenge?

What would your lover say about what you can feel in this moment?

What perspective would your magician have?

What would your inner warrior tell you to do?

What question can you ask these different sides? Ask a skillful question that may bring peace to your challenge.

Examples could be:

How can I grow through this challenge?

– What lesson do I need to learn?

– What is missing here that can bring me insight?

– What can I give in this scenario?

– What can I do that would be in line with who I want to become?

If you haven’t already, feel free to jump in my free 5 part email series.

Inside I’ll walk you through the steps for building the correct psychology to sell your services online as a consultant. If you don’t like your current results the answer will be in your thinking.

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