It’s what every entrepreneur seems to be after.

It’s the characteristic they most ask me about.

It’s a muscle that once built, can be a game changer for you.

You guessed it… it’s discipline.

This is the ability to follow through on what you say you are going to regardless of how you feel at the time.

Soooo many of my clients say they are great at planning, having ideas, and knowing what they should do. But when push comes to shove, for some reason they just “can’t focus and do it”.

You’ve heard it all before.



Feeling stuck!

Why can’t people seem to move forward despite having the best intentions?

If there’s one thing we know about the brain, it’s that it likes to stick with what’s safe and familiar.

Do you procrastinate on surfing the internet or watching Gary Vee videos on YouTube?


Because that’s what is safe and familiar to your brain!

When do you procrastinate and lack discipline?

With the things that are fucking scary to you!

That’s scary may be cold calling, visiting prospects in person, releasing a piece of content, making a key decision on your niche or direction of your business. For some of you that may just be coming up with a name for your business.

If it’s new and uncertain, odds are that your brain will freak out with negative self-talk and will tell you a story about failure, mistakes, looking bad and basically how the world will end!!

This is why building discipline requires courage. Just like lifting weights in the gym, the more action you take using your courage the stronger that muscle gets.

There are a few steps with building discipline:


I can’t even begin to tell you how important this step is. You need to schedule it specifically so that you know on Sunday morning at 7 am you are going to contact that person, or visit that business, or write that post. When you come to that moment in time, following through regardless of how you feel is your courage workout.


You can predict ahead of time that your brain will come up with excuses why you shouldn’t follow through. This is especially true if you have really challenged yourself. While I wouldn’t suggest walking into a business naked just for the challenge, I would encourage you to stretch yourself and know that negative self-talk will arise.


You can absolutely prepare for this moment, knowing full well that your brain will throw bigger and bigger excuses at you. Don’t listen to them or give them meaning; building this muscle is more important than the activity itself. Remember your reason why, and be very detailed about why following through is important. How is it fundamental to your mission and purpose that you build more discipline? What will you remind yourself of in those moments that will make you follow through?

Here’s the best part about following through on even the tough tasks:


The vast majority of struggles I see entrepreneurs face are due to the fact they don’t have this solid relationship with themselves. Hence, they fear the risk of failure because the love they give themselves is very conditional.

The only thing that builds this confidence is to hold your word and know that you will follow through because you and your dreams are worth it.

You will develop a tight bond and relationship with yourself that’s built on respect, love and worth. That’s what’s up for grabs when you stick to your schedule.

If you thought this helped and you want to continue learning, opt-in to my free eBook where you will learn the steps to building confidence, motivation and focus.

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