We all know the feeling.

You are about to get on a call with a prospect.

You feel nervous, anxious, and stressed with a hint of excitement.

You go over in your mind what might happen, what could be said, or what objections might come up.

In your mind, you’re thinking ‘If only I get this sale I can do…’

‘If only I get this client I can feel confident, happy, excited’

If this rings a bell, this blog post is for you.

My passion is to help digital consultants master their psychology so they can feel calm, relaxed and enthusiastic about opportunities like a strategy session.

These are the calls that drive your business forward. You get the chance to talk with a prospect, understand them and show them how valuable their investment will be with your product or service.

However, instead of feeling excited and grateful, many feel worried, stressed and anxious for if something goes wrong.

Why are so many consultants freaking out over these calls??

What is so scary about offering your services to someone??

A question I ask is: What’s the worst that could happen? The answer is always: ‘I could make a fool out of myself and they will say no! Then I won’t have a client!’

My response is always: ‘You don’t have a client now!’

What gets us in our head over this?

It comes down to what you make the result of the call mean. What you make it mean about your business, about your future, about you personally is everything!

Getting a ‘yes’ for most consultants mean you are worthy enough, your idea and offer is finally good enough, you are now good enough.

However, a ‘no’ can mean the opposite.

At some level, most consultants associate a ‘no’ with

‘I can’t sell’

‘my business and niche aren’t good enough!’

‘I’ll never be good enough’

The major flaw in thinking here is that you are delegating responsibility to outside forces for your emotional life.

A yes or no does not determine how you feel. It’s not determined by how many clients you have. It’s not determined by your level of income or freedom.

Your emotions and your experience of life are ALWAYS determined by your thinking and what you choose to make that mean.

Let’s see what happens here for you.

What are your thoughts right before a strategy session? What do you think about selling? What are your thoughts about your services and how much the investment is?

All of these thoughts are driving your emotions before and during the call.

Write whatever comes to mind for you.

Even if it’s as simple as

‘I need this client’

‘I hope I don’t bomb’

‘I hope they like me’

What would you like to feel during this call?

Are your current thoughts leading to the feelings you would like to experience before and during this process?

For me, I love to feel connected.

When I feel connected I can truly be honest with who I’m talking to. I can be present, and recognise if they are the right fit for me and my services.

From that place, I can say no if someone is not the right fit and find other solutions to help them achieve their goals.

Rather than sticking to a script, I know I can listen and react accordingly as I pay attention to what they say and how they say it. I know my intention is to really serve the client and do what’s best for them.

Whatever emotions you choose, you want to make sure there is no ounce of scarcity or neediness in your body.

Can you imagine what it’s like being sold a product or service by someone who desperately needs the sale? I’ve been there, and it’s not comfortable!

Once there is no scarcity and you are coming from a place of abundance, your focus needs to be on service.

We can all feel the difference when we are serving and helping someone, compared to feeling needy and dependent upon a particular result.

What is a meaning you can attach to the strategy session that allows you to focus on service? Isn’t that why you are in business in the first place?

How can you use these calls to learn, grow, and add value to the world?

Your mindset towards these opportunities is key to the success of your business.

Thanks for reading!

If you haven’t already, feel free to jump in my free 5 part email series.

Inside I’ll walk you through the steps for building the correct psychology to sell your services online as a consultant. If you don’t like your current results the answer will be in your thinking.

Click below to jump right in!