Many people think that leaders are only found in senior positions.

They think leaders are the ones who make decisions and manage employees below them, making sure everything is run according to plan.

What do you think of when you imagine leadership?

I want you to shift your perspective on this topic, and possibly offer an alternative that you may not have come across before.

Simon Sinek approaches leadership in a completely different way. He says leadership is a choice.

There are people in CEO positions who aren’t leaders and people in entry positions who demonstrate leadership.

What is it?

It’s those who face the danger when uncertainty arises.

It’s those who are willing to be vulnerable, honest and take responsibility.

It’s those who are willing to look after those next to them instead of focusing on their own safety.

Anyone can demonstrate these traits in any situation.

With this in mind, how do you show up in your business?

Be completely honest with yourself and ask if you show these characteristics when your facebook ads don’t turn a profit, or maybe you joined a new course that didn’t help you achieve your results. What about when you can’t seem to find the right niche, or when no one picks up the phone when you are cold calling?

What about when things get really tough and finances dry up?

How do you respond? Do you get frustrated, angry, disappointed? Do you blame others, blame the universe or maybe blame yourself?

A different question:

How would you like to respond? Do you want to be resourceful, take responsibility, step up and use each experience for the better?

Do you want to connect with those around you, and possibly look out for them, doing what’s best for the group?

I’m not saying one way is good or bad. What I’m encouraging you to think about is whether you like and approve how you show up in your business. If you don’t want to be a leader, that’s totally fine as long as you like your reasons.

However, if you want to become a leader, being an entrepreneur and business owner gives you the perfect battleground. It means you go out into the world and solve problems in unique and wonderful ways.

All your fears, doubts and concerns will arise as soon as your footsteps out of your comfort zone. Then the test begins! This journey will always force you to do what’s tough, fearful and uncertain. Success requires you to fall, fail and get back up.

One thing I like to add is that leaders take total responsibility for how they think and feel in all circumstances.

This doesn’t mean you need to feel great all of the time, but just don’t blame the outside world for your experience of it.

One thing I’ve been coaching my clients to strengthen is their courage.

It’s not easy to be a leader. It’s putting yourself on the line, taking risks and accepting responsibility when things go wrong. But when the time calls for it, there’s a side of you that can add the most value to the world

There’s a particular question you can ask yourself when you run into uncertainty.

How do I want to respond? How would I move forward if I was to exert leadership? What sides of me would I like to run the show? Is it my passion, determination, courage, love, humor?

How do I want to think and feel?

Do I want to adopt the belief that everything is happening for me? The belief that out of anything tragic good must come? Or even that others are always doing their best with the limited resources they have at their disposal?

Others are inspired by the characteristics they want to strengthen in themselves, sometimes they just need someone to demonstrate those characteristics to spark that flame.

If you haven’t already, feel free to jump in my free 5 part email series.

Inside I’ll walk you through the steps for building the correct psychology to sell your services online as a consultant. If you don’t like your current results the answer will be in your thinking.

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