Who here loves reading books??

What about doing courses, programs and listening to podcasts??

If you’re an entrepreneur you are probably saying HELL YES!

However, I want to pull back the curtain and reveal a trick your brain may be playing on you.

What do all these things have in common?

They are all learning that is INSIDE your comfort zone.

It may feel great in the moment. You are learning new skills, gaining knowledge on business, studying the greats in your field.

However, you can feel long-term that if you stay in this realm there is something missing.

It may be hard to put your finger on, but what you are feeling is lack of real growth.

Not only is it needed to move your business forward, it’s also required for you to feel joy and fulfillment in your journey.

Well if it’s so damn important, why the hell don’t we jump out there and embrace the growth!!

You have heard it all before, your brain is not programmed for success or fulfillment. It’s built for one thing only and that is to survive and stick to what’s safe and familiar.

Here is where I love coaching, to look from the outside and reveal your brains tricks.

It will come up with stories disguised as facts to keep you inside this comfort zone.

You will keep studying while saying

‘I don’t know enough yet’

‘I’m waiting for the right strategy’

‘I don’t know my niche’

‘I don’t know if I can get my clients results’

‘they won’t want to hire me yet’

Look, you and I both know the best response to any of this doubt is MASSIVE ACTION!

You will learn at a more rapid rate and also build the courage it takes to succeed long term.

What most entrepreneurs are not okay with is feeling the uncomfortable emotions that arise when we put ourselves out there.

Yes, I’m going to say the ‘F’ word.

It’s FEAR.

You fear failure, rejection, making mistake and looking bad.

So, of course, your brain will do what it can to stick to its comfort zone and avoid what used to be an evolutionary life-threatening feeling.

If you don’t have a coach, you need to be onto yourself and be very truthful.

What percentage of time do you spend learning inside your comfort zone with passive action?

What percentage do you spend trying and experimenting outside your comfort zone?

I highly encourage you to push the last number a lot higher than the first.

In order to do that, you need to be aware of the stories you are telling yourself, what they mean to you and why you are willing to prove yourself wrong.

Do something outside your comfort zone, know your brain is going to freak out and do it anyway.

If building your courage isn’t an empowering story, I don’t know what is!

Attach an empowering meaning for feeling uncomfortable and have a clear picture in your mind of who you are becoming as you take action.

If you thought this helped and you want to continue learning, opt-in to my free eBook where you will learn the steps to building confidence, motivation and focus.

You will also receive my weekly emails where I go in depth with stories, strategies, and tools that I pick up on my week of coaching. Simply click below!