What do you think about when it comes to money?

Do you not have enough of it? Is it hard to earn? Does it create stress in your life? Do you have to work long and hard for it?

I want to show you how your feelings about money have nothing to do with the figure in your bank account.

In fact, those FEELINGS are the ultimate factor in determining whether you make a lot more of it, or live in scarcity the rest of your life.

This is because how you feel on a consistent basis will drive the quality action (or inaction) to achieve your results or lack thereof.

Well, what determines how you feel if it’s not the money itself?


How you think determines your feeling, feelings drive your action, and action creates your results.

Let’s play this out in terms of selling.

How do you think about selling??

What about setting prices for your product or services?

What emotions come up for you during this process?

How do you talk about what it is you do and how you can help?

Do you procrastinate or distract yourself from prospecting or cold-calling?

These questions may seem part of a silly exercise, but I’ll help you understand why it is they mean light and day for your wealth building activities.

Many of my clients and entrepreneurs out there think of selling as a zero-sum game.

I take money away from you, and you get that amount of service you pay for.

Therefore, some of you may:

1) feel bad to charge money,

2) think you ‘need a sale’ because you need the money.

What emotions show up for you when you have those thoughts?

Number 1- you may feel guilty or have a bad feeling that your services may not be worth it.

Number 2- you may feel needy, desperate and full of scarcity.

Now, what type of action do you take when you feel those emotions around selling? My guess is that procrastination and distraction and very attractive options!

You can see that the results brought by these actions won’t be part of your plan. You will continue into this pattern of thoughts, feelings, actions, and results in a way that further support your original belief around selling and earning money as an entrepreneur.

Let’s break the pattern and go with a different thought, shall we!!

Selling is not just an exchange, but something that adds value to both parties.

That’s what selling is, and that’s where your power lies.

When you sell, the idea is to give them so much value that they would make that investment with you 10 times over.

Whether you are selling business to business or business to customer, the investment in you and your services allows you to both create even more value in the world.

This is how I view my coaching.

When someone invests in my one on one workshops, my 6-week course or 12-week course, I focus on how much value I can give them so they can increase the quality of their life from the inside out, therefore creating more value for others.

I’ve even had some clients add coaching services to their current business offerings after going through my courses. They will now go out and teach key concepts on how to manage your mind to other individuals who will also be gaining great value.

You may not be into coaching, but I’m sure you can see the true value your product or services adds to the world.

You can see with this mentality, you have just made the world more valuable with a sale, right?

Where does your focus go when you have this in mind?

It asks the question of: How can I give so much value that the offer is a no brainer??

How can you let them know you can add this much value even before the offer is presented?

Wouldn’t selling be fun if you believed that was true?

What emotions would arise for you if this thought played on your mind as your prospect, call and offer your services? Excited, motivated, determined, happy, caring?

What massive action would you take if you were feeling these emotions on a consistent basis?

What results do you think you would achieve as a result of those actions?

These are the benefits of studying your mind and recognising the thoughts that are present in your head at a conscious or unconscious level.

Great in theory right? But what are some practical steps you can take in order to understand your mind?

It’s the homework I give all my clients who take my 6-week or 12-week course.

Journal your thoughts:

If you get a pen and paper and just start writing all the thoughts you have about money and selling, that will give you a great indicator of why you feel the way you do.

Better yet, when you get it out of your head and onto paper, you access the unconscious thoughts below it. The unconscious thoughts are often the ones driving your emotions, actions, and results.

When you get a thought on paper such as ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘I don’t have enough money’, see if you can uncover some deeper thoughts below it.

When you have your thoughts on paper, observe them with no judgment, and recognise that it’s just a thought, question it, see it from a different perspective.

You can then start to realise your feelings are not caused just by the thoughts in your head, but what thoughts you choose to believe. From that place you can create a completely different destiny that you are in full control of.

Physically complete this exercise and get in contact with me if you have any questions! Thanks for reading! 

If you haven’t already, feel free to opt into the 5-day discipline challenge. This is a small email series designed to take you from not trusting yourself, to having your friends ask how you get so much done! 

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