As business owners, our minds are always on our goals.

How do I get to the next level of income?

How do I get my next client?

What marketing will help my message get out there?

How do I reach my impact?

Our goals set the benchmark of where we want to go and by when. This gives us direction and focus.

However, we can also misinterpret the achievement with happiness.

I remember when I set out to get my first coaching client online. I tried so many different strategies for outreach. I dug into what seemed like every facebook group I could find, asking who needed help with their mindset. This went on for 8 months, and I couldn’t seem to get any online clients.

I got a very poor response rate until I started coaching for free. I would have coaching sessions with basic strangers and discuss their lives so I could help using my tools and strategies. By the end, they had a clear head and set out to achieve their goals using their strongest emotional muscles of determination, passion, love, and curiosity.

It was only after implementing this strategy that I got 3 online paying clients in 1 week!! After months of getting nothing, I got 3! I could now call myself a paying coach! This was the goal that I thought would bring me happiness and joy!

I certainly was, for about 1 hour. Then my emotions shifted and the focus was on what I could do to serve them deeply.

My mindset before achieving this goal was ‘If only I had 1 paying client online, I could be so happy and use that confidence to skyrocket my business!’ I had no idea the level of happiness would be so short lived!

Have you ever achieved a goal and found out there are so many other goals past it that would help you reach another level of ‘happiness’?

What’s going on here? Why do we have it so wrong?

One explanation could be because we hope and wish for goals from a lack of scarcity. In your life, you want to achieve because you feel the lack of it. However, when you reach that goal you find out that there is so much more. You are chasing happiness, however, it will never come from achievement.

This can be a beautiful thing that helps us evolve and grow. However, what does make us happy?

What makes us happy and reach a life of meaning is who we become on the journey.

If you are not happy with where you are right now in your business, my guess is that you haven’t been happy with how you have been or who you are becoming. What you are thinking, feeling and doing is not in line with who you want to become.

However, think of a time when you were damn proud of yourself. Why were you proud? Was it from what you received or achieved, or was it who you had to become achieving it?

You can use this knowledge to serve you and your business.

Think about your goal right now in vivid detail.

Is it to do with your business clients, income, your health or maybe relationships?

With that image in mind, who do you need to become in order to achieve it?

What patterns of thinking, believing, feeling and acting do you need to adopt in order to achieve those goals with ease?

Some main characteristics I help my clients adopt are courage, discipline, and self-integrity. If you don’t have these mental muscles built, no business tactic can help you move forward.

However, if you do build them, and they are at the core of who you are, you will achieve any goal and adopt the skill to become your best self.